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 Complexity & Simplicity

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Abundance 4 ALL ~ Healthy Holistic Futures

Together We Are
a Wave of Change…

Abundance 4 ALL is a Poetry in Action Project. Writing the World Cleaner with Longing. Actually building a better tomorrow for still pristine areas that need our help to prevent industrial pollution trouble.

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Abundance 4 ALL ~ Health in areas

STOP & GO projects.


1. Projects ~ We are part of big other teams of environmental changemakers. We kick some sense into governments with lobby and alternative economic plans.


2. Writing ~ we awaken the longing in local people and international visitors to contribute to Healthy Design. 1. no polluting. 2. restoration. 3. harvesting with care.


3. Events - Offline Events in Peloponnese, Greece. We are crowdfunding Pristine Peloponnese for our own time and the Greek NGOs.

​​Our Mediterranean village life in a community of changemakers newsletter is on Substack and is called Abundance! Peloponnese Living.

Full of tips & tricks for life, not holidaying...


The picture is the ship Porrima. Goddess of the Future. Made by the inspiration thinktank ZERI Zero emission. Zero waste.


Non-linear designs. A ship fueled by water, wind and solar. Changing the Blue Economy with sustainable fisheries like whales do, without nets, and much more... Basis of regenerative tropical island economies. Inspired by the first fully regenerative economy: El Hierro, in Spain.​

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HEALTHY & HAPPY FUTURES - 2012 - 2033 - 2222

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function" - F. Scott Fitzgerald, writer


Humans have polarizing minds. We can only make things "true" by comparing. In reality, cold is colder coming from warm. Cold is colder with moist in it. Cold is... Nothing is absolute. Everything is relative. That's relativity.


We are Desiree Driesenaar & Mike Harps. We are poetic alphas between the quantum betas.


We talk to the most modern quantum math and cosmology professors. And we dance with it all. Common Sense. Training your senses to feel, see, hear, taste, and smell more... 


Our Pristine Peloponnese Crowdfunding can be found on Go Fund Me. From all the products and services bought on this website, we donate 10% to the Mentality Foundation of Bibian Mentel. The Paralympic snowboarder who didn't give up after she got bone cancer at age 26. She lives for another 20 years, won medal after medal and inspired us with the Olympic Mentality.


Participation is more important than winning! Handicapped kids need protheses and they need to build their confidence. Nature & Humans belong together. Mike and Desiree live simple lives in rural areas of the world to help poor locals fight for their environmental causes and prevent cancer.


Desiree had cancer in 2022. She became handicapped with neuropathy. And now she only has her brilliant DEEP mind to do what young, fit people should be doing too. Protect our Planet with Wisdom in Action!


Create BLUE ZONES all around the world! Where 1:3 people become 100+ without chronic illnesses. Industrialism is killing us! Make life SIMPLE! Malaria pills are made of Artemisia Annua. Drink that tea! Do cheap! Breathe clean air! Make clean water with desalination and condensation.


Our planet makes ALL matter with just one thing. Tension Differences! 

Just 2 processes. Absorption & Reflection!

Just 1 thing only. Light!


If you want to understand our human mind as a mammal species, book a call. Desiree can tell you the SIMPLE Quantum Truth. It happens in the night. We puzzle the whole picture together in our right-brain-halves. Go Pathos-Logos-Ethos and breathe out! Release and live your DESTINY! It's the only thing that matters.


Forget CO2. Forget windmills. In 2033, we will already have low voltage AC energy over WiFi antennas (Nikola Tesla). And the rest... is history... :-)


For the scientific restoration, Dutch Design, and harvesting stories: follow Desiree on LinkedIn. For support of Peloponnese and our 2025 art project Pristine Peloponnese, go to our Substack. Abundanism | Pristine Peloponnese. And if you want Personal Mentoring or a personalized story or AI image, book your personalized artwork in our store.


We promise to spend every cent responsibly. If you are a company wanting to sponsor us, we will hook you up with an inspiring NGO in your line of work, and give you inspiring CSR storytelling for your reports.


Let's kick some industrial pollution ass and prevent cancers, dear friends!

We are the REGENERATORS who put DEEP philosophy and poetry IN ACTION.


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How can YOU get involved?


  1. Follow us online and copy our (since 2012!) land and sea projects. we share success and fail factors openly to make your life easier and not make the same mistakes we did. We have 100,000 online followers divided over LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, and Substack.

  2. Crowdfund Pristine Peloponnese. We promise to waterfall the money to the Greek environmental NGOs whenever they lack funds from their governments and EU institutes. We help them lobby with their governments. We will also help them get EU money to the area.

  3. Subscribe for our Abundanism! Pristine Peloponnese newsletter. Find the hidden Greek gems, hear our stories, and explore more...

  4. Ask for our Education & Mentoring. View our booking page.

  5. Visit our online or Greek events.

  6. In our shop, you find our Gaia-Inspired canvases, DIY papers, and collections ZERO emission, ZRO waste and good Healthy Design progress examples.


Happy changemaking, dear friends! We are nearing the end of our careers now, but we keep working with you for a healthy and better world. Our legacy. So you can stand on higher shoulders for YOUR professional and artistic work. Everyone has a story. We hear YOURS...

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We combine every technology to a worthy cause. Wildfire & Tokenization. Freshwater & Digital Twins. Sea, Corals & Biorock. Vegan leather from kelp seaweed arranging shelter for sea life. The sea regenerates automatically.


If... we don't overfish... Or pollute the Argolic Gulf Bay with industrial fish farms and pump antibiotics and formaldehyde into open waters... 


Let's move beyond industrial pollution, dear friends. Modern ways! AI, AR, landscapes and seascapes. Let's be good ancestors...



Currently we focus our time on volunteering for poor areas that need environmental action. We built our Anthroposophical Healthy Design Method on permaculture principles and martial arts. Gaia Theory is the work of the professors we align with. Quantum Math.


1. Triple helix - Government + local SMEs + education = Venlo Regionomics


2. Abundant opportunities for local poverty release. With our Healthy Design, we restore ecosystems to prevent illnesses like COVIDs, neuro-diseases, and cancers.


3. Climate Change is just local extreme weather. And mussels will grow without shells soon in our too-hot Mediterranean. We went to Greece to prevent Dutch flooding by educating people how to cool the sea with rock and bio-cement in harbors.


Design 4 (Bio)diversity.

That's non-linear for you. Rivers in the air.


4. We give our crowdfunded time to kickstart bright minds for wildfire prevention (with tokenization). Dousing wildfires with helium & frequencies instead of extracting freshwater and (causing sinking cities, tilt of our planet).


3 topics:

  • Blue economy - Design 4 Biodiversity. 1. prevent pollution. 2. Restoration. 3. mindful harvesting. 4. ZERO Emission ships and biomimicry tech.

  • Green economy - 1. soil health. 2. freshwater longer on land 3. edible landscapes for wildfire prevention.

  • Policy, Health Systems & Education - against unfair and ecocide laws, design better social insurances, design against institutional racism, artistic lifestyle, creative industry. NFTs and Tokenization for Unconditional Basic Incomes.


We use Design Thinking Methods always.​​​​

Past projects can be found on our projects page.


Regenerative River
Harbor Redesigns
in The Netherlands
Design 4 Biodiversity
and rewilding rivers to

give space to the
rivers in flood times


Trusted by the Greatest

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Hear It from Our Tribe

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"There are few persons with the drive and the clarity of Desiree. She goes to the places where her intuition tells her to discover the solutions. She has been a bright light in every corner of the world where we met, studied, and worked. Desiree is a hidden gem in the world of steering business and society toward sustainability. She does what is required, and does it with elegance and efficiency" - Prof. Gunter Pauli, the 'Steve Jobs of Sustainability'.

Zero Emission fighter and business economy prof. from the first hour. Club of Rome.


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