Free Science Event - Superformula & Resonance
Mon, 03 Jul
|Online Zoom
Every 1st Monday of the month, we talk Biomimicry & Superformula Transformations (hardcore science, math 2003). We try to find more use cases. And implement existing use cases everywhere.

Time & Location
03 Jul 2023, 19:00 – 21:00 CEST
Online Zoom
About the Event
Superformula is called GIELIS Transformations in science. It is one formula for all shapes in nature. It's easy geometry and calculus. Sinus/cosinus. And a few variables. The trick is to fill in the right variables for certain results. On the 1st Monday of every month, we will have a broad international discussion about (generative design) engineering, green chemistry, reverse chemistry, and our role as humans on this planet.
We ARE nature. We have a responsibility for our grandchildren.
GIELIS stands for Generalized Intrinsic and Extrinsic Lengths in Submanifold (the maps of a system). This might seem difficult, but we explain everything in our LAB in simple words. We think everyone from every background and country has a right to understand science and our current, evolutionary times.
Every good system is sustainable BY DESIGN.
Superformula is biomimicry. The applications are already in data sciences, architecture, engineering antennas, neurosciences, psychology, and many more scientific fields. At Abundanism = Abundance 4 ALL, we normally use biomimicry for changing economies and societies. But that's not what this 1st Monday of the month is about. It's about engineering and green chemistry. Reverse chemistry also. In Holland and Belgium, we are trying to get PFAS out of the soil with water and resonance. Badly needed. Together with closing down polluting factories of course.
Resonance is a function of nature and the Superformula. So, we want to open up big, open, international discussions always with an aim for concrete use cases. In NL e.g. we are now having projects removing PFAS from the soil with resonance. Not yet with Superformula, but maybe we use the wrong Hz? In seas, scientists are restoring degraded systems with the sound of healthy ecosystems. But what is a healthy ecosystem?
Join us every 1st Monday of the month to tell us what cool Superformula things are already happening in your country. Sometimes the examples are hidden in plain sight because I talk to a lot of people who use Superformula without knowing it. And they can use it more cleverly when they start to see the potential.
Architecture (LAVA lab Germany)? Data sciences (Web3, the Spatial Web)? VR/AR (Changing the Game)? Art (Reza Ali)? Generative design in engineering (Blue Engineering)? Water solutions (Blue Earth Innovations)? Hydrogen production without electrolyzers and compressors (ZERI in Japan/Switzerland)? Non-explosive storage of hydrogen in vessels shaped like beehives (Born Global in Maine/Lebanon)?
Solar with 95% efficiency? Where roads fuel cars and we don't need batteries anymore? Self-healing and self-cleaning materials? Roads that clean water? Buildings cleaning the air?
Everyone has a right to copy good solutions everywhere... We need implementations fast, faster, fastest. On the 3 other Mondays of the week, we help locals to adapt all these good solutions to local ecosystems and local cultures. Feel welcome!
Our Abundance 4 ALL YouTube channel has a playlist, especially for Superformula.
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